07 Sep

Acupuncture for Weight Loss: Chinese medicine can help

There are many means of losing weight or weight control such as medicine or holistic methods like exercise, diet or herb supplement. Acupuncture is also an option as the weight control needle pattern can be incorporated into other condition treatment. The International Journal of Obesity just published a review of 31 studies on the efficacy […]

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21 Apr

Acupuncture helps treatment of diabetes

A great deal of research has been conducted into the possible causes of diabetes. Most of the prevalent ideas can be classified under one of the following categories: heredity, endocrine imbalance, dietary indiscretion and obesity, infection, and severe and continued psychic stress. Although genetic factors appear important in determining susceptibility to diabetes, dietary and environmental […]

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14 Oct

Fertility and Weight control: Chinese medicine regulating mense cycle can help

The combination of traditional Chinese medicine and modern obstetrics technology can significantly improve the fertility rate. Association of Chinese Medicine TCM gynecological seventh Conference held in Nanjing received the news. Chinese medicine advantages in the menstrual regulation and improvement of the physical plus psychological adjustment can promote fertility. Girls could have amenorrhea due to excessive weight loss or weight […]

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