03 Jun

Fibromyalgia with perspective of acupuncture

Fibromyalgia has many symptoms. However, three symptoms are the most common ones: 1) Chronic muscle pain, muscle spasms, or tightness Even though pain can be all over the body, they are mostly located in area of following meridians: QuChi, FengChi, FuTu, JianJin, ShouSanLi, HuanTiao, JuLiao, QuChuan, ShenChang Fibormyalgia can also have people with migraine, TMJ, […]

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24 Oct

Acupuncture Q & A

How does acupuncture work? In recent years, science has determined that human beings are complex bioelectric systems.  This understanding has been the foundation of acupuncture practice for several thousand years. Classic acupuncture states that energy circulates throughout the body along well-defined pathways, called meridians.  Points on the skin, along these pathways, are energetically connected to […]

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27 Sep

Acupuncture: works better than drugs to reduce migraine pain and headache

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Acupuncture works better than drugs like aspirin to reduce the severity and frequency of chronic headaches, U.S. researchers reported on Monday. A review of studies involving nearly 4,000 patients with migraine, tension headache and other forms of chronic headache showed that that 62 percent of the acupuncture patients reported headache relief compared […]

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