01 Oct

Can Acupuncture Help Conceive

(CBS) It’s estimated that after a year of trying to conceive, 10 percent of American couples are unable to get pregnant on their own. The vast majority of them turn to traditional fertility treatments for help, but a growing number are also trying alternative therapies, including acupuncture, says Saturday Early Show’s Dr. Mallika Marshall. More […]

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21 Sep

Blocked fallopian tubes infertility: Acupuncture Herbal treatment can help

For those who are diagnosed infertility with Blocked fallopian tubes. Based on the degree of the blockage and patient’s internal condition, Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine can be helpful or solution for this disorder. In Chinese Medicine, the blocked Fallopian tubes disorder is considered damp heat. Treatment plan is to clear damp heat, tonify blood and resolve clotting. Most immediate […]

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