Studies have shown that treatment of diabetes in all the 221 kinds of Chinese herbal medicine use , tonic , antipyretic drug use and blood circulation ratio and the highest frequency of use . The most frequently used drugs for the first 30 Taste : Astragalus , Rehmannia , arrowroot, Scrophulariaceae , Anemarrhena, peony , Atractylodes, moutan , gypsum , Alisma , yams , Salvia , berberine , wolfberry , licorice, rehmannia, Huang Jing, Schisandra , ebony , Bupleurum, white peony root, herb , TCS, Poria , Angelica , dogwood root, Polygonatum, ginseng , ghost fletching. 黄芪、生地黄、葛根、玄参、知母、赤芍、白术、牡丹皮、石膏、泽泻、山药、丹参、黄连、枸杞子、甘草、熟地黄、黄精、五味子、乌梅、柴胡、白芍、苍术、天花粉、茯苓、当归、山茱萸、川芎、玉竹、人参、鬼箭羽。
Analysis found that the typical clinical symptoms of diabetes drug treatment has the following characteristics : Pueraria commonly filled with hot , Dendrobium, Scrophulariaceae, Ophiopogon , gypsum ; Spleen wet stagnation commonly Codonopsis , Atractylodes , Magnolia, Pinellia, Atractylodes, Poria , Coix , dried tangerine peel, Amomum ; qi stagnation commonly Bupleurum , Angelica , white peony root , red peony , Atractylodes , Poria , arrowroot, licorice ; moisture stop poly commonly Poria, Alisma , Atractylodes ; blood deficiency commonly Astragalus, Angelica , yam , Salvia, gelatin, Schisandra , licorice ; blood stasis commonly peach kernel, safflower , leeches, Chuanxiong , Atractylodes, Euonymus alatus , Salvia ; kidney deficiency common medlar, cinnamon , dogwood, tree peony bark , Dodder , Epimedium , yams ; yin deficiency commonly rhizome, wolfberry fruit, Ligustrum lucidum, Scrophulariaceae , dodder seed, raw licorice ; gallbladder damp heat used rhubarb, wormwood , baicalin, berberine, herb ; common Yiyiren pan under hot and humid , arrowroot , baicalin , berberine . 燥热内盛常用葛根、石斛、玄参、麦冬、石膏;脾虚湿滞常用党参、白术、厚朴、半夏、苍术、茯苓、薏苡仁、陈皮、砂仁;肝郁气滞常用柴胡、当归、白芍、赤芍、白术、茯苓、葛根、甘草;水湿停聚常用茯苓、泽泻、白术;气血亏虚常用黄芪、当归、山药、丹参、阿胶、五味子、炙甘草;瘀血阻滞常用桃仁、红花、水蛭、川芎、白术、鬼箭羽、丹参;肾阳亏虚常用枸杞子、肉桂、山茱萸、牡丹皮、菟丝子、淫羊藿、山药;肾阴亏虚常用黄精、枸杞子、女贞子、玄参、菟丝子、生甘草;肝胆湿热常用大黄、茵陈、黄芩、黄连、苍术;湿热下泛常用薏苡仁、葛根、黄芩、黄连。
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